My relationship with accounting began in high school, it seems strange to admit now but at 16 I found numbers soothing and relaxing. Numbers do not lie and there is nowhere to hide. Being taught the basics of journal entries and ledgers ignited a spark to constantly learn and devour as much information as possible.
Like many students straight out of high school I had no idea what life had in store for me or what my path was going to be, all I knew, after 12 years of schooling I needed a break! I was not naturally gifted at school and every grade was won with determination and hard work - I was exhausted.
I stumbled into a job not long after, starting my working career as a Receptionist, like so many others. The difference for me, the company accountant loved to teach others what he knew. This seemed like a lottery win. I may have only had the title of 'Receptionist' but was helping with many functions of the business including Accounts Receivable/ Payable, Inventory control and financing major equipment within my first year. Everyday was a learning curve and a bright new adventure.
Fast forward 10 years and after having children and consistently putting family, work and the household above myself, my partner finally gave me a nudge to do something for myself after supporting him throughout his apprenticeship and continued learning as a Tradesman.
Aaaaaand here we are! Embarking on a scary journey into the unknown, afraid of failing not only my studies but also as a mother and partner. As a perennial stressball this seems like an instant recipe for disaster, but I am determined to come out on top.